
Day - 2 (ahem ahem)

So... It's been a while. Maybe I should rename this the 30-month challenge. See this is why I'm bad at this stuff, I totally forgot I was supposed to put something up everyday. It slipped my mind entirely. But I remember now, and just in case, I'll be posting days 2 and 3 today itself.

My blog. My wish. So there.

Day - 2
Your favorite book.

Now this is a tough one. I mean all fans have a ranking order of the books figured, and I'm no different, but damn, it's hard to choose just one! I am conflicted between the 3rd, 4th and 6th. Although Goblet was very pivotal, and I think one of the best written books in the series, and 6th has some of my all time favorite scenes and one-liners, I think I'll have to go with Prisoner of Azkaban. This is because apart from it being very well written and over-all happy, I am infatuated by the Marauders, and think their story is fascinating. I really wish Rowling would write a book/series regarding the first war (i.e. starting right after Marauders leave Hogwarts) till Voldemort's sorta demise. There is so much scope in those characters,  so much tragedy. So yes, my favorite book would have to be the Prisoner of Azkaban, for introducing us to Harry's origins.